“Jewelry of the sea” – Zoom in / Zoom out

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The Ilana Goor Museum is proud to present a joint project with the “Omanit” Na’amat college for Jewelry: “Jewelry of the Sea – Zoom In/Zoom Out” The exhibition will display the final works of the graduating class of 2017.

Talking about the sea is like talking about life itself and creating jewelry inspired by the sea is observing a world of endless images, shapes and colors.

Towards their final project, the students of Omanit Jewelry college were invited to choose one point of view, from the wide range spreading between focusing on one single call: the smallest unit within the material’s structure and the birds point of view, which sees the retheme and the power in the depth and widens of the sea.

Practicing the “zoom in/zoom out” movement isn’t just a look or a gaze from the viewer on her or his surroundings, but an instrument for Introspection. The exhibition gathers the student’s creations, giving a stage to personal and artistic statements, enables the observers, a chance to sail on a personal journey of oneself.
